Friday, 19 August 2016

Meet & Greet 2.0

Recently, on the 13th August 2016, Malaysian Students' Council Australia (MASCA) held again yet another meet and greet for this year. Multiple Malaysian Student Associations (MSO) opened a booth to promote their clubs and many performances were presented throughout the event. We went around asking students, old and new, regarding what they thought about this year's second meet and greet. Here's what they had to say;  

"It's different this time because there are lesser games compared to the last meet and greet. That’s a good thing though because every association has more time to explain more about them."
-Khairiah Khalid-

 "Meet and greet ini bagus sebab dapat memperkenalkan organisasi-organisasi yang wujud di UQ. Strategy panganjur bijak sebab buat event ini setiap awal semester dan menyediakan pelbagai makanan Malaysia."
-Farah Mustapha-

"Hope to know more Malaysian students
 at the end of this event."
-Ahmad Zulhelmi-

"Since I’m new, meet and greet is a good platform to 
broaden my circle of friends."
-Syarifah Zafirah-

"Hoping new students that come will be exposed more to MSOs in UQ. 
Especially about their roles and how MSOs can help students adapt to university’s life."
-Azim Basri-

"Since course tak sama, tak sempat nak berkenalan dengan Malaysians lain. 
Tapi bila ada event macam ni, baru tahu ramai juga student dari Malaysia. 
Plus terubat sikit rindu nak balik Malaysia."
-Nurul Atiqah-

 "Medium yang sangat baik untuk menyatukan pelajar-pelajar Malaysia. Pelajar juga dapat mengasah soft skills dengan mengambil bahagian dalam persatuan-persatuan yang ada di UQ."-Syafiq Mazli-

 "Nice event. Good food. Able to make a lot of friends."

 "The seniors are very kind. When I first came to this event, I found out there are a lot of Malaysians. This helped me reduce my nervousness in facing my new life here."-Nur hidayah-

 "Sebenarnya datang nak makan je. Tapi bila datang, rasa berbaloi sebab dapat kenal ramai orang baru."-Mohamad Fitri Azraai Kamarizan-

"Dapat kenal orang-orang baru dan join clubs. Most importantly, we get free food." 
-Ahmad Aimullah Ayub & Muhammad Nafiz- 

We hope everyone who attended had a great time. Till next time!:)

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Kecam. Kecam.

"Kau jangan bajet solehah boleh?"

Senyum (Baca : Gelak)

You, are you living her life? You, have you walked in her shoes, not for thousands miles but for a few steps at least? You, do you know the real struggle she has faced and is facing? You, did you dive so deep into her heart that you know what her real intention is? You, are you her?

Awak, adakah orang baik-baik sahaja yang layak bercakap tentang baiknya Tuhan? Awak, adakah orang baik-baik sahaja yang akan mati? Adakah orang baik-baik sahaja berkehendakkan syurga?

Benarlah, hidayah milik Allah. Aku juga milik Allah. (K, hambar, tapi benar) Senyum. Dan senyum.

L.A., 20 Syaaban 1436H.

Gambar tiada kaitan: tengah pandang Eiffel Tower penuh syahdu.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Orde to A Samad Said

An old man

With white robe and hair

Has just finished his meeting with the Almighty

And when he looks outside

He shed tears

And his heart shatters

When he saw the homeless and the unfortunates

Friday, 1 April 2016

Baju Kurung Senyum

“I think that’s it for today, see you tomorrow.”

Dah habis? Fuh lega. Takpe la tak faham pun. Nanti balik rumah revise (janji palsu seorang gadis kepada dirinya).

Jalan laju pergi main course. Jalan. Lap peluh. Jalan lagi. Peluh lagi.

Eh kenapa panas sangat ni? Nafsu membebel.

Eh kau ni, neraka lagi panas kot. Iman membalas. 

K ye lah bye. Nafsu malas nak gaduh. Nanti-nanti dia muncul lagi la tu.

Dah sampai kedai, nak order la kan. “I’ll get one small lamb kebab please.” Ujarnya dalam hati, cepat la bang. Lapar kot. Haih. Ish astaghfirullahalazhim. Sabo je la.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Seminar Islam, Falsafah & Ideologi

At the start of the Easter Break, HAKIM held a talk at UQ with the title "Seminar Islam, Falsafah & Ideologi". The day-long seminar was delivered by Ustaz Zulkifli bin Ismail, principal of Pondok Baitul Qurro' wal Fuqoha'. The event was organized into three, info-packed slots which built upon one another based on a book, "Ancaman Bahaya Sekularisme" written by the Ustaz himself.

Here's what some of our participants had to say.

"A very good topic to be discussed. Nothing like the conventional Islamic talk. Tahniah lah HAKIM boleh organize something like this." - Qistina -

"For me, the topic discussed in the seminar is important as it is interesting. Muslims today are not just attacked by bombs and drones but also face ideological battles everywhere. To quote the American scholar, Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, "If you did not philosophize, someone will philosophize it for you'. This seminar is a great way to expose Muslims to such topic and can act as a stepping stone for us to study more. HAKIM did a great job with this seminar and i hope they can expand more on such initiatives." - Helmi -

"Secara keseluruhannya, seminar yang bagus, pengisian yang unik, ala bedah buku. Akan datang boleh tak HAKIM jemput wakil dari Universiti Terbuka Anak Muda (UTAM)?" - Azhar -

"Program ini merupakan sesuatu yang berjaya kerana mampu membawa para peserta dan penceramah untuk turut mengupas isu-isu falsafah dan ideologi meskipun ilmu ini berada di tahap kompleks kerana memerlukan masa yang lama untuk memahami konteks secara holistik. Harapan saya agar program sebegini dapat dianjurkan oleh HAKIM pada masa yang akan datang, serta menarik lebih ramai lagi dari pelbagai latar belakang pendidikan, termasuklah golongan pelajar pasca siswazah. Seperti kata penceramah, kita perlu melahirkan ikon dalam bidang ini untuk memartabatkan Islam sebagai satu kerangka yang lebih sempurna berbanding mana-mana ideologi." - Fitri -

"Alhamdulillah. An awesome talk regarding Islam, Ideology and Philosophy! As a psychology student learning in a western country, I really need a clear understanding about this issue. Thanks HAKIM for organizing this event. Hope that there will be more awesome events like this later." - Azzura -

"Memahami bahawasanya penggunaan akal adalah 'dependant variable' amat penting agar kita dapat menentukan kerangka fikir kita. Kerangka fikir Islam adalah sebuah neraca yang akan mengikat kita dengan ketauhidan pada Allah. Kerangka fikir mana yang akan menjadi penentu neraca kita?" - Syakirah -

We hoped our participants walked out of the hall well-informed and enlightened on issues pertaining to philosophy, Islamic thought and faith. To those who pulled through the entire day, MashaAllah! (content was pretty heavy okay). May He guide us all.

See you in our next event InshaAllah!

Check out our YouTube channel to hear the seminar's recordings. Click here >> HAKIM Brisbane